Friday, September 17, 2010

Tea Party Rallies

   "Government belongs to those who show up."
Most people by now should know about the Tea Part, what with some people call radical thinking and activism habits. If you haven't heard about them yet, then I suggest you move out from under your rock. The Tea Party movement has been gaining not only notoriety but popularity with both sides of the American political spectrum. Rightfully so, the U.S. has lately been suffering from a dwindling economy along with the recent health care reform spectacle, Immigration issues, etc. and people are getting sick of just sitting around and hoping for the best.

People gather at the Capitol for a "Remember in November" rally to express opposition to government spending, particularly bailouts and economic policies backed by President Obama and Democrats in Congress, in Washington, Sunday.People gathered at the capitol in Washington to oppose to government spending, policies by president Obama, and Democrats in Congress on sunday. In this article by Gregory Korte, you will read about what some of these activists have been doing in trying to further their Tea Party organization I guess you could say. "It's also time to talk tough to the Republican Party, which all too often thinks this movement is about what's good for their careers, rather than what's good for America," this from a Connecticut activist, opposing the health care bill. These activists aren't trying to split the Republican party but "take over." These rallies have been held in several different cities and states for example, Sacramento and St.Louis.

"Government belongs to those who show up," as written in the beginning of my post was said by yet another activist, Dick Armey. This Tea Party is bringing together many Republicans and are getting together the ideas of opposing completely all of what we see now with Obama as president. As I read more and more about this, it's something we all should take care to listen for and be informed about.

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