Friday, October 29, 2010

Commentary on Government

I think our Government is over looking so many more issues in what we are spending our money towards. I feel that there are so many things that President Obama might be thinking he is doing right in helping a department but hurting others much much more with those decisions. I think that if we focused more on helping to get the economy back on the right track, later we could focus on other things rather than trying to fix little things now and breaking our economy even more later. There are a few things that now may seem the best way to deal with our economy and issues our country is having but if we go at these small issues now instead of the bigger issues the bigger issues will take over and there will be nothing left. I am not sure how on earth we could do this, these are simply my thoughts on what I have read, heard and seen. I think that our government is thinking over the big picture & we definitely need to get a better look at the bigger issues we have going on right now.

1 comment:

  1. Overall, the commentary was well written but lacked depth. The writer could have provided examples about what the government is spending money on or summarize the recent events in the United States economy, such as the new unemployment number. It's clear that she feels the government is not thinking ahead but fails to give any specifics. In reading the article I don't feel I've learned anything but I do know I should feel upset towards the U.S. government. Again, overall it was well written, but, it could have been deeper.
